2 x 57mm
Functional capabilities:
Access by means of 6-symbol passwords to the individual modes, programming, reports of the fiscal memory, and service commands;
16 operators with individual 6-symbol passwords, operator’s name up to 15 symbols;
Up to 5000 articles , 8 groups of goods, programmable names of the departments and of the goods - 12 symbols;
Fiscal memory for up to 2000 daily reports with separate calculation of the amounts for V.A.T. for the 5 groups and for tax-free amounts;
Entry into the fiscal memory of the set of 4 types of tax tariffs, tax numbers and date of change - 30 times.
Entry into the fiscal memory of the initialization for the company registration code - 200 times;
Headings on the receipt - 5 rows;
Final notice – 1 rows;
Programmable spacing between the receipts;
Executable cash operations:
Type of payments: in cash, on credit, by check, and combined payment with calculation of the change;
Repeat operation, calculation of subtotal and grand total;
Calculation of percentage discounts and extras for articles and subtotals;
Annulment of a mistaken operation prior to the summarizing of the receipt;
Input/output of amounts from the cash register by the manager;
Accounting of the cash;
Number of digits of the fiscal registers:
Digits after the decimal point - 0 to 3;
Input values - 999 999 999;
Programmable prices - 999 999 999;
Display - 9 999 999 999;
Daily total - 9 999 999 999;
Grand total for a specific period - 999 999 999 999;
Operator passwords, operational modes - 999 999;
Communication capabilities and networking of the CRWFM:
Port RS-232 – interface for bar-code reader and electronic weighing scale;
Port RS-232 – interface for personal computer (PC):
Port RS-232 – interface for kitchen printer
* Programming of new article codes and parameters of the CRWFM;
* Output of the accounts and electronic control tape from the cash register by means of a personal computer;
* Request for article code, article quantity, payment code, summary, etc.;
Uses a thermal printer CAP C 245 and LTP C 245
Tape width – 2 x57 mm
Number of digits per row – 32 symbols;
Printing speed – 8 rows/sec.;
Maximum diameter of the roll – 60 mm;
Operational life of the printing head – 50 km of tape;
Operational life of each printer head thermal element - 100 million impulses;
Capability to print double width symbols;
Report without zerouing